Thursday, May 1, 2014

Re3Junk Final

Here is my latest refined logo. It's simple, easier to read on the lighter grey background (I didn't want the truck to be too dark and look like a UPS truck). I really like the knockout eyes, mouth, toes, and letters. It's amazing how far I've come since my first post on this assignment!

Here is the business card. I think it's simple, the most important information is at the top, and the logo is consistent. 

This is my truck design. Of course I didn't want to give up the slogan "We've got JUNK in the trunk." It is an attention getter (especially with the elephant's backside). Re3Junk on the front of the truck is easy to read. I definitely like the truck in the lighter grey instead of the dark grey. 

And here is the stationary. The logo is still consistent, but the grey had to be replaced with white knockout due to the stationary being white.

Here is my envelope. My logo was kind of hard to work with on an envelope because there are restrictions on print that bleeds off the paper. I think I made it work pretty good, but I'm still not entirely sure if it's "legal."

Here is the website. I have only designed one website before and it was completely different than this. It was challenging for me to fill up space since I don't have photos or anything.